Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Path to Meaningful Work

The day has finally arrived that I have been steering towards. Employment! Talk about beginning "with the end in mind" as posted below. On Monday, September 15th, I begin working as a paraprofessional at the Adult Reference Desk of the Oswego (Illinois) Public Library. This is precisely where I wanted to land, i.e., a busy, modern, and well-funded library that is close to home.

Oswego is located in Kendall County which is one of the top five growth areas in the nation. Our new census figures were just published and they state that we have 29,000 citizens. In 2000, there were a mere 13,000 residents, so you can see this is true. My hope is that this part-time position will turn into a full-time position when they open a major branch in July, 2009. I am looking forward to gently incorporating the many ideas shared in the course of pursuing the MLS degree. Promise to keep you "posted!"


Beth Ryan said...

Congratulations Gloria! They are lucky to have you.

Deanna Drake said...

mom! you have a blog! wow. i'm bursting with pride and enthusiasm for your new outlet and your new employment. congrats! better start connecting to MY blog!

Deanna Drake said...

also, unrelated (but blog related)... here is an article i've been meaning to send to you. i know you like this author, and i think it frames the 'sexism in the election' issue very well.

Brenda said...

Way to go Gloria. I am so happy for you. What a great opportunity! Hang in there and I can't wait to see you hanging around the Oswego Library.