Monday, November 24, 2008

23 Things Wrap-Up

This has been a highly educational tour of technology and its many uses in general, but specifically for libraries. I would hope that as new applications are created, there will be a new version of 23 Things to help people include them.

One of the epiphanies is that I just didn't realize that the average person could do certain things such as create podcasts and audiofeeds. I guess I thought companies did that. Also, many of these steps were quite easy to implement as long as the instructions are clear. If there is one piece of advice for 23 Things, it is to ensure that their links work. Perhaps they did not always because URLs change, etc.

I really enjoyed learning how to manipulate images and believe the most useful tools that I will continue to use often include the RSS feeds and Rollyo. Fortunately I was already familiar with LibraryThing/GoodReads and use this tool constantly. Just since starting this master's program 14 months ago, I have read 101 books. Using one of these programs keeps the information fresh.

Lifelong learning is an attitude. As I quickly approach my 50th birthday, I am very proud to say I've got lots of attitude! Just think how much I'll know by age 100!!

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