Sunday, November 16, 2008

Libraries are Communities

In reading about Learning 2.0 and Web 2.0, I confess that some of it went beyond my personal library experience. What is absolutely clear, however, is that the core role of libraries hasn't changed. A library embodies community. Just as culture changes over times, though, so does the nature of library services.

A positive initiative is that libraries are working hard to remove barriers to learning and continually finding new ways to provide access to information. Instant messaging, online library catalogs, online databases, and so much more bring the library to the user, without the user potentially ever needing to set foot on the premises. Libraries need better staffing for training users. I have seen this in my own short tenure. Users are easily overwhelmed and the gap is poised to widen.

The diamond in the 'mine' of information overload is that I believe users will learn to recognize the library as a place of solutions and assistance. I treasure our library as a community, information, and culture hub and believe we can be successful in meeting people's information and recreational needs.

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