Monday, November 24, 2008
23 Things Wrap-Up
One of the epiphanies is that I just didn't realize that the average person could do certain things such as create podcasts and audiofeeds. I guess I thought companies did that. Also, many of these steps were quite easy to implement as long as the instructions are clear. If there is one piece of advice for 23 Things, it is to ensure that their links work. Perhaps they did not always because URLs change, etc.
I really enjoyed learning how to manipulate images and believe the most useful tools that I will continue to use often include the RSS feeds and Rollyo. Fortunately I was already familiar with LibraryThing/GoodReads and use this tool constantly. Just since starting this master's program 14 months ago, I have read 101 books. Using one of these programs keeps the information fresh.
Lifelong learning is an attitude. As I quickly approach my 50th birthday, I am very proud to say I've got lots of attitude! Just think how much I'll know by age 100!!
eLibrary Books
Last year, my own public library offered this service though it is discontinued now. I was a patron only then, so my memory may be a bit incorrect. This service, I believe, was offered through the state of Illinois library system. Patrons would go to their site to pick their title which would then be downloaded to the local library. I then went there to check out an MP3 player with the book already on it.
The system was not perfect. You could not always get the title you wanted any time soon, and the library only had a few MP3 players. It was my impression that the library was not exactly fond of these devices; just more to keep track of perhaps. The portability of the MP3 player has great appeal, perhaps especially for commuters and exercisers. This is an area of technology that I believe will continue to grow.
Podcasts can be used multiple ways in a library. On an intranet, a library director could deliver messages to staff. On the library's website, podcasts could be a tool used to feature feature book tools, discussions, and the like. Just having podcasts available would send a strong message that the library is current with technology and current thinking.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
YouTube is Ubiquitous
A library could appear to be really with the times by incorporating clips into their web site or include clips with book discussions. Many authors are featured as are libraries themselves. Videos are considered to be far more commanding than audio feeds alone. Visual messages have always been known to dominate the human learning experience and are considered to be essential when making presentations. Basically, they are one tool among many, but this is one that particularly engages the viewer.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Web 2.0 Awards
Zoho Add-On
Zoho T(z)est
Today I am writing my blog post using Zoho Writer, an online software tool similar to Microsoft Word. I can instantly see that this is a tool for the new world of work. We are now a global workforce with many employees working from home offices. What a great collaboration tool and time saver. I am reminded of the story of the startup of Federal Express where a college student was told that his idea of delivering documents overnight would never be feasible and would not catch on. The rest is indeed history. This idea could follow that same path and put a serious dent in Federal Express' business.
In a library setting, typical hours of employment are 9am to 9pm and it is common for employees to work all kinds of shifts. Having this tool would facilitate input on documents where multiple opinions are encouraged, such as setting policy, or even working on school group projects. One example could be the weekly work schedule, posted for review:
MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | |
John | 9-5 | 12-9 | 12-9 | 9-5 | 9-5 |
Mary | 12-9 | 9-5 | 9-5 | 12-9 | 12-9 |
So far, I have tested out Zoho's fonts, colors, and a table. Haven't figured out how to resize the table, and I suspect there will be other features that are simply better on Microsoft's products, but in general, I am pretty impressed. We have seen the future.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sandbox Wiki
There are many ways something similar to this could be used. Just keeping track of the many events at any library would be most useful. In my own, there is a sheet to dig out to find out about the next event and the sheet does not contain information for other departments. Would much rather see it be a click away. For fun, a wiki could also become a way for employees to get to know one another better. Will have to mull this new tool a bit more.
Whatsa Wiki?
Who "owns" the library? The taxpayers, of course. But do they feel like they own the library, i.e., that it is really theirs? A great way to create this sense of ownership is to encourage their participation with a Wiki that invites opinions and reviews. I also liked the subject Wikis, but these I suspect take a lot of time to set up in the beginning and require ongoing maintenance as new materials join the library, whereas the annotated catalog seems more likely to run itself once launched. Online communities of readers are appearing in myriad ways and while LibraryThing and GoodReads are great examples of this trend, a local library would add value onto itself by allowing its users to personalize it.
Patrons will catch on. They will get it. Really. One day. And they'll love it!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Libraries are Communities
A positive initiative is that libraries are working hard to remove barriers to learning and continually finding new ways to provide access to information. Instant messaging, online library catalogs, online databases, and so much more bring the library to the user, without the user potentially ever needing to set foot on the premises. Libraries need better staffing for training users. I have seen this in my own short tenure. Users are easily overwhelmed and the gap is poised to widen.
The diamond in the 'mine' of information overload is that I believe users will learn to recognize the library as a place of solutions and assistance. I treasure our library as a community, information, and culture hub and believe we can be successful in meeting people's information and recreational needs.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Not Just Tasty, it's
On a Roll with Rollyo
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Poster "Chic"
Generating a New Image

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Infinite Information
This week, I compared search engines and explored the "invisible web." If I am impressed with one principle, it is that if the answer exists, it is on the web. The trick, of course, is finding it.
Finally, I never used to understand how some people could spend untold hours on the Internet. If one is inclined, however, to play with the many options in customizing blogs, home pages, screen savers, etc., there is plenty to attract your attention. Once it is all in place, though, you can have even more fun changing it again. Ahh, who needs sleep?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Coordinated Connections are Cool
I had trouble getting to set me up at first and later was down and wouldn't let me post, so technology still is not perfect. In eagerly setting up the sites I wanted to include, I discovered many of them do not have RSS feeds. However, I did start the process of including several sites that would be useful to a librarian engaged in collection development and reader's advisory along with one or two blogs from personal friends. A few I added are Amazon's Top 100 bestselling books, Entertainment Weekly's Books, and an RA site called EarlyWord. Recently I read, Samurai Shortstop. A father is hard on his son for taking the train when he could easily walk many miles to his destination. The son balks and praises the train for its speed. The father remarks coldly that we are foolish if we think modern conveniences free up time. Is it really better to fast forward in the interest of efficiency, or is there still a place for a deep breath and a dose of old fashioned pondering. Hmmm.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Flickr Creativity
The endless combinations of pictures and colors is clearly paving the way for some awesome creativity. A friend of mine creates custom quilts and often uses personal items such as ties and t-shirts in her designs. She has also used photographs. Using a collage of pictures in a quilt project would be so personal and lasting. Hmm, maybe I'll see if she knows how to do a mashup.
Technology Connects Readers with Authors
If a person knows how to type in a web site address and click on links, that is all they need to know. Once in the site or blog of the author, the user can find the author's biography, a list of their works, find out what is coming out next and when, and access the author's social network page on MySpace or Facebook. Best of all, the readers can ask questions directly.
This last week, the movie Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, based on the book of the same title, came out to an enthusiastic teen audience. The two authors, David Levithan and Rachel Cohn, each have their own site that incorporates fun information and a conversational tone. This is a stunningly successful way to promote books, reading, writing, and sales. What if Shakespeare, Hemingway, Hawthorne, and Proust had their own sites in their day? It was "to be" now and "not to be" then.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lifelong Learning
It simply does not occur to her that it is too late to learn Spanish or that she is too old to learn Spanish. She is interested; therefore, she runs with the idea. She is also really good at my worst habit, i.e, play. Learning is fun. At least she makes it fun, anyway. She loves people and craves excitement. I am generally shyer and crave quiet time. No matter. We have this in common ... we love to learn.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Study Buddy
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Path to Meaningful Work
Oswego is located in Kendall County which is one of the top five growth areas in the nation. Our new census figures were just published and they state that we have 29,000 citizens. In 2000, there were a mere 13,000 residents, so you can see this is true. My hope is that this part-time position will turn into a full-time position when they open a major branch in July, 2009. I am looking forward to gently incorporating the many ideas shared in the course of pursuing the MLS degree. Promise to keep you "posted!"
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
New Ventures
I've been learning about the 7.5 Habits of Lifelong Learners, which include:
Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind
Habit 2: Accept responsibility for your own learning
Habit 3: View problems as challenges
Habit 4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner
Habit 5: Create your own learning toolbox
Habit 6: Use technology to your advantage
Habit 7: Teach/mentor others
Habit 7 ½: Play
Which one is easiest? For me, it's right up front with "Begin with the end in mind." I have been a 15-year fan of Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It is this habit that allowed me to begin the Master's in Library Science Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2007. With the end drawing closer (May 2009), it is a good habit to embrace.
As for the hardest habit? I bet a lot of people think #6 (technology) is hard to master, but believe it or not, it is hardest for me to play. Yes, play. I have an over-developed sense of responsibility towards those closest to me and that is probably the biggest obstacle to experiencing unrestricted playfulness. I look forward to working on this!